
How Long Do Genius Bar Repairs Take

  • #1

I'll go on this brief, merely this is my commencement experience with the Genius Bar so I'm trying to find out if my expectations were off or if this is an singular situation.

The MacBook Pro in my signature, still under warranty, has a faulty SuperDrive. The machine won't read discs, but strangely it'll fire them. So, last week I stopped in the local Apple shop, the Genius agreed the drive needed to be replaced and ordered the office. At present, I asked if they would heed calling me when the part came in so that I could use the motorcar in the mean time, and they agreed to practice so. Nevertheless, when I talked to the store today, I was told that the part is indeed in, but that I will demand to leave my car with them for three-five days.

I like to think I am fairly patient and reasonable with my expectations, only repair queue or not, this is something that they should be able to supersede in under an hr, in my stance. Further, I'm in the heart of my grad program and actually can't go a business week without my machine right now.

Is this typical for the Apple Store? I'm headed over in that location tonight and I really must say that if the part is in stock, and I nonetheless demand to leave information technology there for 3-5 days despite having asked to be called when the part was in and they were ready to do the repair, I'grand going to be disappointed. This is my second Apple, and my wife is on her third, and this is the get-go repair experience we've had betwixt the three of us.

  • #2

Let's play a game ... you lot're not the only Apple customer with a faulty product requiring repair. Apple machines neglect quite frequently. I know, I know, but it'southward Apple tree! Yeah well whatever.

Hither is my experience. 5-vii days or ten-14 days. You think I am kidding? I'k not. The showtime of February I took my MacPro in, I was quoted 5-7 days. I didn't even become the 3-5 day window people continue telling me well-nigh. I got my MacPro back, notwithstanding broken, xiv days later. I was given a new MacPro 8 days after that.

And then aye, 3-v is reasonable and if you're in a grad program then my advice to you is to look until y'all're done with whatever it is you're doing and promise you don't need the Super Drive, or, send information technology in and employ some other computer.

Funny enough, both colleges I attended had computers readily available to me. Having my ain was a matter of convenience for me at the time and if I needed something repaired on my only computer then I could use the lab computers. Either mode though, if you seriously need the SD and so you may want to take it in and suck it upwards by going to the lab or the library at your school.

It was nice that they would allow you keep your machine while they ordered the function. All the same, 3-5 days seems long just again, as stated above, y'all're non the merely customer. And trust me ... everyone who takes their machine in for repair is saying what you say ... "I tin can't exist without it for ..."

  • #three

My opinion simply, just while I remember 3 - v days IS unreasonable for a part that is already in stock, I'chiliad not sure that I would look that I could take information technology in, drib it off and expect to pick it up an hour later. Things go wrong - what they remember is simply a bulldoze replacement could turn in to something more.

I just had my superdrive replaced (though information technology was through an AASC, and not the apple store). I did exactly every bit yous - had them guild it starting time so dropped it off when the part came in expecting to be able to pick upward my MBP by the end of the day. As it turned out, the replacement didn't work, nor did a logic lath replacement and and then finally the second replacement bulldoze did work. I concluded up without my laptop for well-nigh 8 days when I thought it would be less than viii hours.

Perhaps Apple is using 3 - 5 days just to comprehend themselves.

  • #4

It doesn't thing where yous get, it will always take a long time to get a machine repaired. Working at an Apple Service Provider, I could tell you that our average expect time is about 8-10 business days.

In that location are just likewise many computers and not enough technicians. And technicians cost A LOT of coin. Then as much every bit yous don't want to wait, there's not much you can do almost it.

And Apple tree is actually quite fast.
Boilerplate time for an HP repair with us is half dozen-8 WEEKS! :eek:

  • #7

I agree, it seems unreasonable. If they can change my oil, rotate my tires, cheque for leaks, and put on a new muffler in less than 3 hours I'm pretty sure they can put a new drive in your machine in under a day.

I used to bargain with this event when I bought Certified Data computers through London Drugs. They would society in a role I needed, then enquire me to exit the computer with them for a calendar week. I would simply refuse saying that there is no reason why this should be the case.

The reality is that if they take the function, but can't give you lot a reasonable window, and then why would you fifty-fifty carp waiting for the part to come in? I feel that you approached them with an event that needed repair, and y'all were asked to wait for a role. I feel that as a client that is your look time and yous should be entitled to a quick repair based on that.

Y'all may want to explain to them y'all retrieve that is an unreasonable time, and inquire if yous could book an appointment slot or something and have them use that time to fix your reckoner. Ask them if information technology'south possible for them to schedule in some fourth dimension for "Wednesday" where they tin fix your computer and you'll drop it off in the morning and pick it up past ix:00 pm or whatever.

I remember it'south reasonable to ask for that kind of service...that's like a 10 hour window they should be able to honor.

  • #9

Yes... Merely again I dunno every shop's policy. But what happens at my shop. Like all things though, it is what information technology is. If the shop you become to requires 3 days then that'due south what it takes - for you. <shrug>

It does seem kinda lame though. A laptop's drive replacement is like a xv or 20 min. operation - if the guy is a newb. It'south pretty modular and very serviceable in at that place. ;)

Well, and that's my statement. This should non be a difficult repair, and that was also why I asked to concur on to my laptop while they waited for the part.

I'll see how it goes tonight, I suppose.

  • #ten

Yep... But once more I dunno every shop'south policy. Only what happens at my shop. Like all things though, it is what it is. If the shop y'all get to requires 3 days then that's what information technology takes - for you. <shrug>

Information technology does seem kinda lame though. A laptop's drive replacement is like a 15 or xx min. operation - if the guy is a newb. It'southward pretty modular and very serviceable in there. ;)

Well, this is why my thoughts are that about people should request a modify in policy. Just because it's the mode it is, doesn't mean it should be (I learned that from a moving picture I watched yesterday).

I retrieve most of u.s. agree that virtually computer literate people could swap out a drive in no time, the problem is that you're over a barrel because fifty-fifty the OP probably has the intelligence to exercise it themselves, only is non able to due to Apple warranty policy.

I really feel that in cases similar this, it's reasonable to asking a twenty-four hours turnaround.

  • #eleven

maybe you could inquire the genius if they can give you the part and you tin can practise it yourself, its not hard to exercise.

  • #12

maybe you could ask the genius if they tin can requite you lot the part and you tin can do it yourself, its not hard to practice.

I have considered that possibility. I have no problem doing the piece of work myself, but given that information technology'south in warranty, I'm non feeling compelled to pay for the parts or service what should be taken intendance of under the original terms of the buy and warranty.

  • #13

perhaps you could enquire the genius if they can requite you the function and you can do it yourself, its not difficult to do.

Isn't this a warranty issue? I would be careful with this..I'one thousand not saying they would deliberately spiral you over, only it would suck if someone decided to "make annotation" that you did this yourself and the next fourth dimension you brought in your estimator they said, "Sad"

  • #14

its not against apple tree'southward warranty policy to supercede a harddrive in whatsoever apple product. only if you damage anything it will non be covered.

wait times are wait times, genius'due south have process's to follow and replacing a drive requires i 60 minutes - 2 hours labour if done by the book.

drives are tested when put into the notebooks (or at to the lowest degree there suppose to be tested)

  • #fifteen

its not against apple's warranty policy to supplant a harddrive in any apple product. but if you damage anything it will not be covered.

wait times are wait times, genius's have procedure's to follow and replacing a drive requires 1 hour - 2 hours labour if done by the volume.

drives are tested when put into the notebooks (or at least there suppose to be tested)

Honestly, I have no problem leaving information technology for the entire day on Fri, merely I would need to choice it upwardly on Sabbatum morning. Annihilation more 36 hours seems unreasonable to me, given that I requested they call me when the part was in for the sole purpose of reducing the corporeality of time I'd be due west/o a figurer.

  • #sixteen

Honestly, I have no trouble leaving it for the unabridged day on Fri, but I would need to pick it upwards on Saturday morning time. Annihilation more than 36 hours seems unreasonable to me, given that I requested they call me when the part was in for the sole purpose of reducing the corporeality of time I'd be w/o a reckoner.

you should never wait more than 24 hours for a repair of in stock parts.

i hold with you on this.

thats like the docter giving you lot open up middle surgery...he cuts you open and than when information technology hits 4pm says....oh well time for back in the morning.:D :D

  • #17

its not against apple'southward warranty policy to replace a harddrive in any apple product.

This is a CD drive though no? I thought HD's and RAM were considered user replaceable, merely non components like CD drives, Chips, etc.

  • #18

This is a CD drive though no? I thought Hd's and RAM were considered user replaceable, merely not components like CD drives, Fries, etc.

ok, allow me redo.

you can replace anything in the notebook, if you replace anything in there with alternate brand (no apple tree logo) it volition loose warranty on THAT Part Merely (unless you pause somthing in side).

technically, the apple genius tin give you the optical drive to replace and have you practise it...but that will never happen.

  • #xix

Wait til someone at the shop mentions that they have a $99/yearly service called "ProCare" that offers the following benefit:

Rapid Repairs

You rely on your Mac and need it in top working order. So if you ever bring information technology in for repair, you'll want information technology dorsum right away. As a ProCare member you go, "Side by side in Line, Start on the Demote" service on all in-store repairs.

  • #20

Wait til someone at the store mentions that they accept a $99/yearly service called "ProCare" that offers the following benefit:

OMG...seriously? Wow.... I'll save my Mapple rant for another time, only that is lame sauce!

  • #21

Look til someone at the store mentions that they take a $99/yearly service called "ProCare" that offers the post-obit benefit:

yea i know all about this.....but what if every i buys information technology...

think about information technology....who is in line adjacent?


  • #23

Attempt ProCare

ProCare gives me priority service on any repair, basically I am next on the demote when I drop off my computer. I learned about information technology when I was flying out on a trip and lost the backlight on my LCD of my 15 inch MBP, said for 100 bucks I'd be next repair - I expensed it to my company but I had my system

I driblet my computer off in the morning and normally same evening I get a call that my estimator is ready, it's a service for someone who can't be without their arrangement for long. The nigh I've been with out a computer was 36 hrs and that was my fault since I couldn't become into the shop until last in the day.

  • #24

I drop my figurer off in the morning and unremarkably same evening I become a call that my computer is ready, it's a service for someone who can't be without their system for long.

It really is the service that anyone who has AppledontCare should get. I mean you're paying a large sum of cash for the off chance y'all get a problem...I think that should entitle you to at to the lowest degree a reasonable turn around.

OP, please allow us know if they'll budge.

  • #25

Hmm, I seem to be apart from everyone on here with the repair times...

My Apple tree repair, which was almost a calendar week or 2 agone, took 3.5 hours to complete the repair from the fourth dimension I dropped it off to the fourth dimension for I got the phone call to choice it up. This was a logic board replacement. Granted, it did take a few days to gild the part, simply I was able to continue my reckoner during the time that they were waiting for information technology to come in. I was quoted a week for the part to be ordered, took only three days. I was besides quoted 2-iii days for the actual repair, and it only took 3 and a half hours.

Crawly turn effectually, IMO.

How Long Do Genius Bar Repairs Take,


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