
How Much To Get Solar Power Installed

Cost of Solar Graph

The cost of solar has dropped significantly in the past several years. A decade agone, an average half-dozen kilowatt hour residential solar system could cost more than $fifty,000. Now, the outright cost of a typical home installation ranges from $16,200 to $21,400, which is a 62% average annual decrease.two

From the price of hardware to ongoing maintenance, acquire more about the cost of home solar.

See the toll of solar for your home today

Summate my solar cost

Average cost of residential solar keeps falling

Solar panels are rapidly spreading over American rooftops. And every bit the cost of solar continues to autumn, it's no surprise that residential solar systems are installed every 100 seconds in the United States.i Residential solar costs are at their everyman in over 30 years. More affordable than ever, today'due south residential solar panels feature engineering science advances that maximize power production.

Average cost of residential solar keeps falling. Residential solar costs are at their lowest in over 30 years. More than affordable than e'er, today's residential solar panels feature applied science advances that maximize power production.

What factors affect solar system cost?

How much does the boilerplate solar arrangement toll?

System size Capacity (kW) Cost
Boilerplate 4kW $15,000
Large 8kW $29,000

Notation: ***The above numbers are national averages.

  • Find the ideal system and battery
  • Become your costs to make the switch
  • Check your potential savings
  • Larn about solar incentives
Kerrie Lane

Customer Testimonials

"Having solar panels has given me reassurance that my bills will stay manageable."

— Kerrie Lane, Egg Harbor City, NJ

With Sunrun, yous can take control of your own electricity, and not be left at the whims of your utility company with the next inevitable rate hike. Join the more a quarter of a million American households who have gone solar with Sunrun.

Whenever y'all're ready, our solar advisors are here to assistance. We can provide you with a free quote. Feel free to effort our Cost of Solar Calculator.

What factors affect solar arrangement cost?

A single solar panel costs between $2.67 and $3.43 to buy and install.4 The price of the whole system is based on its capacity, measured in watts. How large a system yous need will be based on how much energy you use, your roof's sunlight exposure and panel efficiency.

The corporeality you save volition rely on several factors, including:18

  • Region'southward sunlight exposure
  • Cost of solar system (including battery, where bachelor)
  • Cost of electricity
  • Energy use
  • Local rebates and incentives


The boilerplate payback menstruation for a residential solar system is between six to nine years, depending on the cost of your system, incentives and savings from your energy neb.nineteen

Here'southward a closer look at some of the things that determine your system costs.


Here's a breakup of installation costs, based on findings from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory:10

Category Cost Breakdown
Labor $0.30 per watt
Panels $0.47/Wdc
Inverter $0.12/Wdc - $0.39/Wdc
Let/Inspection $0.06/Wdc
Structural BOS $0.ten/Wdc
Electrical BOS $0.nineteen–$0.27/Wdc (Varies past inverter selection)
Sales tax Sales revenue enhancement varies by location; weighted national average: vi.9%
Electrician $19.74–$38.96 per 60 minutes (Varies by location and inverter option)
Laborer $12.88–$25.57 per hour (Varies past location and inverter option)
Burden rates (% of direct labor) Full nationwide average: 31.8%

These figures are based on the boilerplate half-dozen.two kilowatt solar system. The cost of each system will vary based on panel manufacturer, inverter option, location and equipment.


Maintenance of solar panels ranges from routine cleaning to major repairs. On boilerplate, households pay $150 for one solar panel cleaning.11 Companies charge betwixt $3 to $ten per panel based on roof slant, home height and organization size.11 Some firms charge a apartment rate fee for a system cleaning. If y'all make clean your arrangement twice a year, every bit recommended, you can expect an annual beak of most $300.

If your system is damaged, y'all may incur additional expenses. Repairs to your system will include the prices of equipment and labor. Labor is typically priced at $100 per hour. Materials for solar repairs could exist as little as $180 but may likewise exist greater than $1,000. Your combined, full bill may range from $200 to $3,000.11

The 4 well-nigh common types of harm to a home solar system and the costs of repairs surface area:eleven

Category Toll Breakdown
Broken glass panel $20 – $350, plus labor
Cracked panel $100 – $400+
Loose connexion $100+
Replacement inverter $100 – $ii,500

Similar cleaning costs, the amount you pay for repairs is affected by things like roof steepness, organisation type and system size. And if your panels have all-encompassing damage, it may be cheaper to replace them.eleven

When you ain your system, you are responsible for the cost of maintenance and repairs. Your warranty should cover specific organization failures; contact your installer earlier you begin repairs. A Sunrun solar lease, lets you salve thousands of dollars in maintenance and repairs. You simply pay for the power, and we accept care of the remainder. Our comprehensive service package features the Sunrun Guarantee, which includes best-in-class monitoring, free equipment replacement, and organization repairs including parts and labor, and routine maintenance.

If you're fix on buying your ain dwelling house solar organization, you can besides purchase our full-service parcel, Protection Plus. While the system is yours, we'll requite you the same comprehensive support that comes with our Sunrun Guarantee.

Panel manufacturer

The price of your panels will depend on the manufacturer. Sunrun partners with LG, a world leader in solar technology and panels. Striking the right balance betwixt quality, efficiency and affordability, LG offers some of the best solar panels on the market today.fourteen

For a given manufacturer, higher efficiency panels cost more.5 The good news is that the highest efficiency panels aren't always needed, especially if your roof gets enough of sun.

Your state

Another cistron in determining your total home solar organization cost is where yous live. Here are the states with the lowest and highest average solar arrangement costs:*

Least expensive solar install Nearly expensive solar install
Florida: $9,198 – $11,970 Rhode Island: $thirteen,104 – $fifteen,792
Arizona: $10,332 – $12,096 New York: $12,264 – $16,044
Maryland: $10,332 – $12,768


Prices after 30% federal solar tax creditfive

Just because a residential solar system costs more in a given state doesn't hateful it'due south any less price effective.5 Local incentives tin can make a huge dent in solar installation costs fifty-fifty in the virtually expensive states.

The 3 near common kinds of solar panels are monocrystalline, polycrystalline and thin flick.six Here are the essential features of each:

Solar console type Clarification
Monocrystalline Monocrystalline are the most efficient on the marketplace today, which means you demand less panels to fulfill your energy needs. Monocrystalline solar cells are unmarried-crystal silicon, giving electrons greater freedom to move and create electricity.vii These panels are typically black, giving your roof a sleeker aesthetic. Monocrystalline panels also maintain their efficiency for longer and usually come with a 20 to 25 year guarantee.6
Polycrystalline Polycrystalline  panels are fabricated with many fragments of silicon.7 While this makes them less efficient, it creates less waste matter in product and are more than affordable.6 They also tend to have a blueish tint, likely the most recognizable feature of solar panels today.
Thin-film Unlike monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels, sparse-motion picture  isn't made of silicon. Instead, it's layered with photovoltaic materials on metal or glass.eight While the to the lowest degree expensive selection, thin-film isn't every bit efficient and likely won't comprehend the average household'south energy needs without taking up lots of infinite.6

​The type of solar panel you cull will cistron into the price of the arrangement. But remember that if you decide to charter, you'll be paying for the power rather than the panels. The cost of solar will come down to the corporeality of solar ability you're projected to use under your charter agreement.

Solar panel mountain types

While solar panels are the main component of a solar system, how you mount the panels will also affect the cost. There are three mount types:6

Mount type Cost Description
Ready-mount  $10–$15 per mount Fixed-mountain are stationary and can't exist moved to capture more sunlight, making them less efficient than other mounts. However, they're also the to the lowest degree expensive. In add-on, states with consistent sunlight such as  Arizona and California are the least affected by this.
Adjustable-mount $50 per mount Adjustable-mounts can be tilted to maximize solar free energy production. This mountain type can also lay your panels apartment during a storm to avert air current damage. While they're more than expensive than fixed mounts, adjustable-mounts might make the most sense for regions with more seasonal climates and less space to maximize free energy product.
Tracking-mount  $500–$3,000 per mount Tracking-mount follows the sun'due south arch for maximum energy product. Even though they're the most expensive, track-mounting could add 45% in energy production and might exist worth considering based on your location. Nonetheless, runway mounting likewise requires more attention and will be much more costly to maintain.


Local incentives like tax credits, rebates, local electricity rates, net free energy metering (NEM) and the direction of your roof tin can help shorten your solar panel payback period and maximize your savings.4

Federal solar tax credits

The federal solar tax credit tin reduce the purchase and installation costs of a new home solar system. Currently, the federal solar tax credit gives y'all a dollar-for-dollar reduction confronting your federal income tax equal to 26% of the last toll of solar free energy systems as long as the dwelling solar system is installed past Dec 31, 2022. Starting in 2023, the tax credit will step down to 22%. Later on 2023, the tax credit for residential solar ends.15,16

In the concurrently, you tin can utilize for federal solar taxation credits past filling out forms 5695 and 1040 on your tax returns.17 Sunrun is always available to help you simplify the process. We volition make sure that your lesser-line expenses come in the form of a low, anticipated monthly payment. Acquire more about federal solar incentives.

Local solar incentives

In addition to the federal solar revenue enhancement credit, some states offer additional tax credits for installing home solar systems. These programs enable you to deduct a portion of your system's cost from your state tax bill, similar to federal solar revenue enhancement credit.  Individual state may as well offer solar rebates.

Every home is different and your electricity demands are unique. Our experts are here to help you. Sunrun designs, installs, finances, insures, monitors and maintains solar home solar systems, while families receive anticipated pricing for 20 years or more. As the nation'southward largest residential solar, battery storage and energy services company, we provide families with industry-leading service, products and financing options to be able to meet dissimilar peoples' needs. Our solar leases offer the financial value and flexibility you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will the overall cost be for a abode solar organization?

The up-front cost of a typical dwelling house installation ranges from $16,200 to $21,400. Your bottom line will also exist determined by maintenance costs and tax credits and other incentives. Your net savings will vary by region and by the amount of electricity yous use.

What can I expect for maintenance costs?

Solar panels need to be maintained over time. This includes periodic cleaning and repairs. Information technology is recommended that panels be cleaned twice annually at an average cost of $150 per cleaning. Whatsoever needed repairs volition add together to the price. The combined costs of equipment and labor tin can range from $200 to as much as $iii,000.eleven

When y'all own your system, you are responsible for the cost of maintenance and repairs. Alternatively, a Sunrun solar lease lets y'all merely pay simply for the power.  Nosotros handle the maintenance ourselves so y'all don't have to worry nearly it.

How can I take advantage of tax credits?

Tax credits and other incentives can help reduce your costs by thousands of dollars. The federal solar tax credit  is one of the best solar incentives out there. Many states offer additional incentives that let you to deduct a portion of your system's cost from your land tax pecker, similar to federal solar tax credit. Solar rebates are as well available in some states.

Consult with a revenue enhancement professional to understand the credits you're eligible for. With Sunrun, you lot tin can also set it and forget it when y'all lock in 25 years of affordable solar ability with just ane upfront payment. From paperwork to installation to maintenance, nosotros take care of the rest.


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